Perusal of records
I shall publish here the results of my perusals, according to the progress of this work.
These perusals concern in a systematic way Borso del Grappa’s registers of parish San Zenone, and in a punctual way other registers, according to the patronymics which I look for.
n.b.: These statements remain the property of their author. They are put at the disposal of the amateur genealogists and can not be used for professional or commercial uses. The correctness of the information is not guaranteed and the interested persons are invited to verify the supplied information by consulting the original documents.
In most cases, the surnames and first names were seized as they appear in the records. As such, variants may be found in these files.
- Borso, parish San Zenone. Baptisms 1648-1700 – A-F
- Borso, parish San Zenone. Baptisms 1648-1700 – G-Z
- Borso, parish San Zenone. Weddings 1648-1748
- Borso, parish San Zenone. Deaths 1670- feb. 1712
- Borso, parish San Zenone. Deaths feb. 1712-1800
- Borso, parish San Zenone, Deaths 1801-1888
- Grisolera (Eraclea) (VE), statement BMD of people named Vedovotto in the civil status registers from 1872 to 1931
The file contains 3 tabs: one for the births (Naissances), one for the marriages (Mariages), one for the deaths (Décès)
(perusal of microfilms LDS N°2252094-2252098, 2279443-2279445, 2279516). - Càorle (VE), statement BMD of people named Vedovotto in the civil status registers from 1872 to 1931
The file contains 3 tabs: one for the births (Naissances), one for the marriages (Mariages), one for the deaths (Décès)
(perusal of microfilms LDS N°2144636, 2144700-2144704, 2278956, 2279031-2279032).