Links for searches in Italy

General genealogical sources / Family names, onomastics / Nobility, heraldry / Forums, help / Towns and “frazioni” / Dioceses and parishes / History, militaries, deaths in war

General genealogical sources

  • Antenati
    This web portal was born due to the convention signed in 2011 betwwen the Italian state and FamilySearch International, in order to gradually publish the images of the civil registers which the Genealogical Society of Utah digitized as from the middle of the years 1970. It also lists all the files published online by the Italian regions and provinces.
  • Atlante Storico Istituzionale dell’Italia unita
    Historical directory of the main administrative entities of post-unitary Italy. It records the temporal evolution of toponyms and territories.
  • Territori
    Italian web portal dedicated to land registry and historical cartography. It gives access the cadastral and cartographic documents stored by the provinces of Genoa, Milan, Trieste and Venice and enables to seek, starting from a single access point, the other files of this type stored by other provinces.
  • Family Search : digitalized italian registers
    The Mormons have engaged a digitalization of parochial and municipal italian documents. Some files have been indexed, which facilitate the research, but others are not yet in,dexed and must be searched page after page…
    To facilitate the search in the Italian catalog of FamilySearch, which becomes consequent, mister Livio Moreno, a Italian passionate genealogist, realized an inventory of all the available municipalities, with mention of the province and clickable links, which he updates regularly. Follow this link to read or download the file
    n.b.: the registers tagged with “State Archive” are not viewable online, due to a constraint imposed by the Italian Department of Archives. To see these images, you must go to a geneagocial center of the Mormons Church, or wait until they are available on the portal Antenati.
  • Family Search : accesso al catalogo
    Search engine of the microfilms of Mormons that can be ordered to be visualized in a local center.
    Documents relative to Italy. A registration is needed
  • Italian Origin Search
    Very rich list of links related to genealogical searches through all Italy
  • Italy Gen
    Blog dedicated to the history of Italy and of the Italians, to italian genealogy, to emigration…
  • Pagine bianche
    Italian phone book.
  • NonsoloCAP
    Search for zip codes of the Italian municipalities
  • Emeroteca Digitale della Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense
    Digital library of the Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense, located in Milano, aiming at publishing online articles and journals of historical and cultural interest to Italy (XIXth and XXth centuries)

Family names, onomastics

Nobility, heraldry

Forums, help

  • Tutto genealogia
    Portal dedicated to the genealogical searches in Italy. The very active forum allows to contact amateur Italian genealogists.
  • Italian genealogy online
    Help and tips for people looking for their italian roots, includes models of letters in italian to ask for copies of acts.

Towns and “frazioni”

Dioceses and parishes

History, militaries, deaths in war