- Progetto RInASCo
Project of inventory of the municipal archives in the region of Lazio - Lazio – Archivi notarili distrettuali
Coordinates of the notarial archives in the region of Lazio - Catasto Gregoriano dello Stato Pontificio
These pages, related to the project Imago II, give access to the cadastral maps of the Pontifical State, together with the corresponding lists of the land owners - Il portale dell’immagine di famiglia
Collaborative portal of Lazio, where anybody can download family photographies, classification by province - Lazio sur Calabria Exchange
Base of links of family and genealogical sites related to town and families of the 5 provinces of Lazio - Latina- Archivio di Stato
State archives in the province of Latina - Rieti – Archivio di Stato
State archives in the province of Rieti - Roma – Archivio di Stato
State archives in the province of Roma - Roma – Progetto Imago
Via the project “Imago”, the province of Roma enables an online access to the digital forms of archive documents d’archives : cadastres, parchemins, registres notariaux… (service réactive en avril 2012) - Viterbo – Archivio di Stato
State archives in the province de Viterbo - Geneaindex – Lazio
Sharing of genealogical data and indexing of registries – Region of Lazio - Italian Parish Records – Lazio
Sharing of genealogical data and indexing of registries – Region of Lazio
- Nos Ancêtres de Borgo di Gaeta
Forum for genealogists whose ancestors come from Borgo di Gaeta, province of Latina - Fontechiari
Perusals of the civil status of the town of Fontechiari, province of Frosinone (1810-1899) - Ponza
Genealogy of the Ponza island, province of Latina - Sant’ Anatolia
Genealogy of the famillies from Sant’Anatolia, hamlet of the town of Borgorose, province of Rieti. It has been constructued by perusal of the parish registers from 1750 to 1935, (the requirement of a password is necessary to have an access) - Sant’ Elia Fiumerapido
Perusals of the civil status of the town of Sant’ Elia Fiumerapido, province of Frosinone (deaths 1860-1863)
n.b. : the sites listed in this page are related to a precise geographical zone. Do not forget to visit the pages related to Italy in the following portals, in which new resources are regularly added: