Friuli – Venezia Giulia

  • L’albar dai Fornes
    Family tree of all families in the towns of Forni di Sotto and Forni di Sopra, province of Udine
  • Archivio storico del Comune di Pordenone
    At this time, this site only displays the inventory of available resources for the town of Pordenone. It enables anyway to consult the lists of the “sindaci, podestà” and “commissari prefettizi”.
  • Project Ancestry
    Genealogy resources for Slovenia, Austria and Friuli Venezia Giulia plus a growing community where you can connect with others also researching this unique corner of the world!
  • Torviscosa
    Parish archives of Torviscosa, province of Udine : parish registries of Malisana and Torre di Zuino, today part of the municipality of Torviscosa. (October 1638 – september 1740)

n.b. : the sites listed in this page are related to a precise geographical zone. Do not forget to visit the pages related to Italy in the following portals, in which new resources are regularly added: