Sites dedicated to the emigration

Benelux / France / United Kingdom / Swizerland / American continent / Canada / USA / Argentina / Brazil / Peru / Venezuela / Algérie / Tunisia / Australia / New-Zeland

Departures from Italy

  • Departure records
    From the site “Ship Immigration Records” List of links relative to passengers leaving Italy, demands of…
  • Immigrant Ancestors Project
    The Immigrant Ancestors Project, sponsored by the Center for Family History and Genealogy at Brigham Young University, uses emigration registers to locate information about the birthplaces of immigrants in their native countries, which is not found in the port registers and naturalization documents in the destination countries

Emigration to Europe

Emigration to Benelux
Emigration to France
Emigration to United-Kingdom
  • The National Archives of Ireland
    1901 and 1911 census search engine
  • The National Archives of United Kingdom
    “Looking for a person” : search for a person in the archives
  • Free BMD
    FreeBMD is an ongoing project, which aims at transcribing the Civil Registration index of births, marriages and deaths for England and Wales, and to provide free Internet access to the transcribed records. The transcribing of the records is carried out by teams of dedicated volunteers and contains index information for the period 1837-1983
  • Anglo-Italian Family History Society
    Association which aims at helping the British of Italian origin to find their roots. Certain resources are available freely, the others are reserved for the members
  • The National Archives of United Kingdom – Immigrants
    Records about foreigners coming during the past 600 years to live in the UK were created by various government departments at different times
Emigration to Swizerland
  • SFA
    Swiss federal archives
  • SSGS
    Swiss Society of Genealogical Studies
  • SwissGen
    Swiss genealogy on the Internet
  • Diocèse de Lausanne, Genève et Fribourg
    Archives of the diocese of Lausanne, Geneva and Fribourg
  • Archives Cantonales Vaudoises
    The Vaud Cantonal Archives provide freely consultable civil status archives, based on the Federal Ordinance on Civil Status (OEC art. 92a). Birth, marriage and death records are accessible via the registers that make up the following three archive collections: Parish registers (1562-1821), Cantonal civil status registers (1821-1875), Cantonal civil status: events, legitimations and recognitions, 1875-2004
  • Archives des journaux L’Express et L’Impartial
    Accès en ligne aux archives des journaux L’Express et L’Impartial, édités par La SNP Société Neuchâteloise de Presse SA. Recherche possible par patronyme dans tous les articles, y compris les annonces d’état-civil
  • Register of Swiss Surnames
    This register offers a comprehensive alphabetical listing of all the families holding citizenship in a Swiss community. Each entry contains information on the place of origin (i.e. community of citizenship), time of naturalisation as well as previous place or country of origin

Emigration to American continent

  • Altre Italie
    Search in three databases of italian newcomers, in the ports of New York (USA), Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Vitória (Brazil).
  • Archivio Emigranti CISEI
    Search engine of CISEI (Centro Internazionale Studi Emigrazione Italiana) that searches at the same time : departures from Genova between 1833 and 1856, the “Memorial do Imigrante” from São Paulo, harbour of Santos, between 1888 and 1912, the data base of CASTLE Garden 1820 -1912 and that of CEMLA in Buenos Aires between 1926 and 1950
  • French Lines
    Lists of assengers having sailed between Le Havre and New York on ships of the “Compagnie Générale Transatlantique”, from 1864 to 1945; browse of passenger lists by travel or search by name (all registers are not registered on-line)
  • Les visas en Bordelais
    This site displays the results of the spoiling of registers related to emigration from Bordeaux (France) to America.
  • ISTG – French ports
    Retranscription of the boarding registers of the ISTG (Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild) for emigrants leaving the French ports of le Havre, Bordeaux, Cherbourg and Marseille.
  • Passenger lists leaving UK
    Boarding registers of emigrants having left Europe from harbours of the United Kingdom between 1890 and 1960, among those were a large number of italians
  • Olive Tree Genealogy
    Site dedicated to genealogical searches in Canada and USA. Very rich content: spoiling of registers, passenger lists, naturalizations, advices…
  • Newspapers Archives
    Archives of newpapers of XIXth and XXth centuries, mainly from USA and Canada
Emigration to Canada
  • Archives Canada
    Web portal giving access to the resources of more than 800 archive centers across Canada
  • Canadian center for family historyGenealogy and Family History in Canada
  • Library and Archives Canada – Italian immigration
    How to search for ancestors coming from Italy
  • inGeneas Database
    Search for immigrants arriving in Canada between 1801 and 1849, from the “Miscellaneous Immigration Index”
  • British Colombia Archives
    Search within the index of British Columbia registers, births (1872-1903), weddings (1872-1936), deaths (1872-1991)
  • Naturalization Records – Canada
    Very rich site, issued from “Olive Tree Genealogy”. Helps to find canadian naturalization demands (Declarations of Intent, First Papers, Alien Registrations, Passport Applications, Naturalization Petitions and Citizenship Certificates)
  • Canada Obituaries
    Obituary site for Canada, provides information on death notices published in Canada by various funeral homes
Emigration to the USA
Emigration to Argentina
    Search in the database of the Centro de Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos (CEMLA), concerned are the landings in the port of Buenos Aires for periods 1882-1932, 1938-1945, 1947, on 1948, 1949 (partially) and on 1950. Registers 1933-1937 are not available.
  • Entrada de passageros a Argentina
    Database listing the arrivals of emigrants of any origin arrivals to Argentina in the XIXth century, including the river travels and certain arrivals from Genoa.
  • Barcos de Agnelli
    Lists of passengers having landed in Buenos Aires harbour between 1882 and 1920, from different sources as CEMLA and Agnelli Foundation
  • Gen Argentina
    List of resources for genealogical searches in Argentina
Emigration to Brazil
  • Brazilian National Archives – Database SIAN
    This on-line information system gives access to numerous documents, among which the registers of landing in the port of Rio de Janeiro from 1876 (browse by year then by boat). But the browsing is not very intuitive (from “Multinivel – Fundos e coleções do arquivo nacional”).
  • JusBrasil – Diarios oficiais
    Search in the gazette of Brazil, allows for example to find notifications of naturalizations.
  • Hemeroteca Digital Brasileira
    Database of old digitized brazilian journals
  • Imigrantes Italianos
    A portal dedicated to the Italian emigration in Brazil, little mess but interesting.
  • Projeto imigrantes
    Supplies the information of landing in Brazil with the immigrants (from 1737 to 1920) from a surname. Paying service: 80 reais, that is 35 euros for all the information on a given patronymic. On-line payment.
  • Entrada de estrangeiros no Brasil – Porto do Rio de Janeiro
    Landings in the port of Rio de Janeiro (1880 – 1930)
  • Emigrazione Veneta
    If your ancestors came from Venetia: the Venetia is indeed the province where from left Italians’ largest number towards Brazil, in particular at the beginning of the Italian colonization in Brazil (1875-1900). Search by initial of the surname or complete name, information on the travelers.
  • Telelistas
    Brazilian phone book. Can help to know if descendants having certain name live in a state or a given city, and possibly to write them.
  • Arquivo Público do estado de São Paulo – Livros de Registro da Hospedaria de Imigrantes
    Search in the database of transcription of the registers of immigrants arrival to São Paulo between 1887 and 1958.
  • Imigrantes Espirito Santo
    Database allowing to look for the emigrants navigating on boats to the state of Espirito Santo. Filter at first with the initial of the surname.
  • Arquivo Público Mineiro
    Archives of the state of Mina Gerais (MG). By clicking on “Imigrantes”: access to the information on the recordings of immigrants, between 1888 and 1901.
  • Arquivo Público do estado do Rio Grande do Sul
    Public archives of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), one of the most ancient lands of immigration of the Italians in Brazil (before the development of São Paulo). Warning on the search pages: documents have not yet all been indexed for an on-line search.
  • Arquivo Público do Paraná – Registro de imigrantes
    Database containing the recordings of immigrants’ arrivals in the port of Paranaguá, state of the Paraná (PR), for the periods 1876-1879 and 1885-1896.
  • Arquivo historico de Joinville
    Archives of the city of Joinville (state of Santa Catarina, SC) and of its region. Click the link “lista do imigrantes”, a first list opens and a list of the other files appears in the left column. N.b.: These immigrants were essentially German.
  • Instituto Genealógico de Rio Grande do Sul
    Keep some registers relative to the Italians and the Germans who established in the colonies of the zone of Caxias do Sul.
Emigration to Peru
Emigration to Uruguay
Emigration to Venezuela

Emigration to Africa

Emigration to Algeria
  • Archives nationales d’Outre-Mer – Algérie
    Consultation des registres de l’état civil dit européen, établi de 1830 à 1962, jusqu’à l’accession de l’Algérie à l’indépendance. Les registres accessibles en ligne couvrent la période 1830-1912. Concerne également les Italiens établis en Algérie.
Emigration to Tunisia
  • Geneanum
    Consultation of the recordings of baptism, marriage, grave of the catholic parishes of Tunis and Sousse. It concerns numerous Italian, in particular a great deal of families originating of Sicily. It is then possible to order a transcription of acts the bishop’s palace of Tunis (cost 6,10 € by act).
  • Geneanum – French naturalizations
    Perusal of the French naturalizations of Tunisia, allows to know the numbers and dates of decrees.

Emigration to Oceania

Emigration to Australia
Emigration to New Zealand